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We need your help to make The Confluence a reality! The environmental organizations at the heart of this effort are working hard to make this vision a reality for our community. Imagine collaborative work space, room for nonprofits in our community to host events and gatherings, and an inspiring place to call home for your favorite conservation organizations.


This big-picture thinking doesn't happen overnight. As we round the corner to the finish line, we have a major need in front of us to compile the funds to construct and outfit the interior offices, design office and events spaces to maximize collaboration, and create dynamic gathering hubs for community conversation and imagination.


  • Are you an investor, grant project coordinator, or a local family just excited to get involved in this project?

  • We want to hear from you!

  • Get involved, reach out, and make a connection to The Confluence!


2nd St. in downtown Corvallis, between Adams and Washington

Thank you for supporting The Confluence!

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